Mahindra packers and Shipping

Mahindra packers and Shipping

Top Quality Cost Effective Packing and Moving Solution
9590305916, 9900527071 - Email
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on rated 5
I used their services for moving from Bangalore to Lucknow and had an excellent experience.
on rated 4
Rearrangement was good enough. Good service
on rated 4
I had shift some of my home stuffs through this Packers, They are genuine packers, Did well packing and loaded each cartons with proper care, Even my brother said they delivered the stuffs properly at my home town, We are satisfied by their work, Thanks.
on rated 4
The guys were on time... Quick... Knew what to do... Well behaved... Neat... Well coordinated... Adequately manned... I just stood there till They finished thanks to Mahindra packers
on rated 4
As I recently relocated some of my household items from Bangalore to Pune through Mahindra packers and Shipping, I'm happy with the service they provided, excellent work done, Thank you Assureshift for providing such a verified Packers details.